This second book in the Cascade Mountain Railroad Mysteries series, based on a page from American history, follows a trio of mischievous and determined young crime solvers.
It is 1926, and an air show starring Ross Ellison, a dashing flying ace, is coming to a nearby town. Billy, Finn, and Dannie can’t wait to meet the Great War hero—who happens to be Finn’s uncle. Their enthusiasm is dampened only by the foolish antics of Phillip Mackay, the spoiled son of the railroad owner. But when Billy overhears a surly looking man threatening Uncle Ross, he can’t help but wonder: Is that the notorious smuggler whose picture he saw in the Wenatchee Daily World?
Soon Billy and his friends find themselves caught up in a mystery—and Finn’s uncle seems to be right in the middle of it. Then Philip pulls one final stunt, bringing him and the three young investigators face to face with danger!
Anne Capeci’s fast-paced historical series offers young readers a satisfying mystery, well-drawn characters, and an authentic portrait of the rough and tumble life of a western camp town in the 1920s.