Does Peachtree Publishing Company Inc. accept unsolicited manuscript and art submissions?

Peachtree is not accepting unsolicited manuscripts or dummies. Our staff remains committed to reviewing requested materials or items queried through an agent.

What sort of books does Peachtree Publishing Company Inc. publish?

We publish books in the following genres:

  • Children’s fiction and nonfiction picture books
  • Early Reader fiction and nonfiction chapter books
  • Middle Grade fiction and nonfiction
  • Young Adult fiction and nonfiction

Peachtree does not publish books for adults, short stories, plays, scientific or technical references, or books intended specifically as textbooks.

How do I get permission to reprint copyrighted material?
Please contact hello@peachtree-online.com regarding any questions about using Peachtree content.

Where can I purchase Peachtree Publishing Company Inc. titles?
For individual customers looking to purchase Peachtree titles, find a bookstore near you by visiting the American Booksellers Association Member Directory.

For more information about ordering or purchasing Peachtree titles, please visit our How to Order page.

How do I create an account with Peachtree Publishing Company Inc.?
If you are interest in creating an account with Peachtree, please begin by downloading and filling out our credit application. For more information, you can call 1-800-241-0113 ext. 123 or email sales@peachtree-online.com.

What are my payment options?
We accept Visa, Mastercard, and Discover credit cards for order payments.

Can I change an order once it has been submitted?
Once an order has been submitted through the online shopping cart feature, it cannot be changed. However, for orders that we receive by email, phone, fax, or mail, changes can be made up until the order has shipped. If you need to make a change to your order, please contact us at orders@peachtree-online.com.

What is the return policy on undamaged books? Damaged books?
Please see the Return Policy on our How to Order page for details about returns.

Can I contact an author or illustrator?

We are happy to forward your correspondence to our authors and illustrators. Please send mail to Peachtree Publishing Company Inc., 1700 Chattahoochee Avenue, Atlanta GA 30318-2112.

How do I schedule an author event?

To schedule an author event at your school or library, please follow the steps we have laid out on our Author/Illustrator Visits page.

How do I order books for an author event?

We encourage you to order books for an event through your local bookstore. However, if you would like to order directly from Peachtree, you may contact Courtney Hood in our sales department at 404-876-8761 x126.

For more information concerning book orders for author events, please visit our Author/Illustrator Visits page.


Important Notice about potential Publishing Scams and Fraud:

At Peachtree Publishing Company, we value the work of authors and illustrators. Therefore, we want you to be aware that publisher scams are on the rise and increasing in sophistication. The scams may include fraudulent use of the Peachtree Publishing name, logos, and third parties impersonating our employees, literary agents, or literary service providers. Unexpected communications by phone, email, or social media with promises of publication or options to publish especially with unexpectedly large advances and/or royalties, requests for manuscripts, money, and personal information may be fraudulent. Please be wary of these communications, particularly if they are sent in the form of screenshots or from a previously unknown party.

Please note:
— We do not solicit author manuscripts in this way.
— We will not ask for payment of a fee to review a manuscript or to enter into a publishing agreement with an author.
— Look closely at the sender’s email address in any message that purports to be from Peachtree Publishing Company. Scammers often use misspellings or other variations of domain names and email addresses in their solicitations.
— If the email or phone call appears to be from a Peachtree Publishing Company employee, even if that person exists and works for the company, do not assume it is legitimate.

If you receive a communication from Peachtree Publishing Company that you suspect may be fraudulent, please email us at fraud@walkerbooksgroup.com to confirm whether the offer is legitimate.

To learn more about the types of scams you may encounter as an author, visit The Author’s Guild website. If you are the victim of a scam, we encourage you to contact law enforcement immediately.