When children approach Agatha wanting to know the source of the beautiful fabrics in her weaving shop, she always recites a simple verse.
Everything comes from something,
Nothing comes from nothing.
Just like paper comes from trees,
And glass comes from sand,
An answer comes from a question.
All you have to do is ask.
Perhaps Agatha forgets her own advice, for one night her pleasant sleep is disrupted by six cranky, cold, naked geese. They want to discuss the source of the feathers keeping her so warm in her brand new feather bed. In a delightful O. Henry-inspired ending, Agatha arrives at a solution that benefits them all.
New York Times best-selling author Carmen Agra Deedy brings a delightful twist to the O. Henry story “The Gift of the Magi.” Also in Spanish, Agatha’s Feather Bed teaches readers to understand the delicate balance between our resources and responsibilities.