Just because everyone else thinks you should be over it doesn’t mean you are. 

If you haven’t yet checked out JJ Johnson’s sophomore novel, The Theory of Everything, get thee to a bookstore pronto! 

To celebrate this awesome book, we’re having a special blog tour — be sure to check back every week for new reviews, chances to win, notes from JJ and more! 

Also be sure to check out JJ’s awesome blog here!

Thursday, November 8
Today we kick off the tour with a trip down memory lane. Ever wonder what JJ was like as a teen? Check out her Dear Teen Me post today! 

Tuesday, November 13
Leafing Through Life has the first review of the tour up today!

(Happy Thanksgiving! There will be no posts the week of November 19, but if you’ll be at NCTE, be sure to swing by the ALAN workshop and see JJ on Tuesday 11/20!)

Wednesday, November 28
E Kristin Anderson is posting a review today! 

Monday, December 10
Hollywood the Write Way is featuring a review and an interview with JJ! 

Monday, December 17
As I Turn the Pages will feature a review and excerpt from the book!

Keep an eye out for giveaways — you don’t want to miss this one!