Respecting Property: Grades 2-4

In this colorful book, Sunrise Elementary School needs a thick-skinned librarian to take care of the books in their school. Miss Lotta Scales is immediately hired upon responding to the school’s advertisement for someone who is “on fire with enthusiasm.” Who could be better for this job than a live dragon? Miss Lotta Scales takes her job very seriously, but upon hearing young Molly Brickmeyer reading aloud to other students, Miss Lotta Scales learns the value of sharing these precious books and transforms into Miss Lotty, the lovable librarian.

This book is a wonderful read aloud that will keep the entire class engaged. The book also includes a variety of lessons applicable to a typical school day for elementary school students. Try this activity with your class after reading The Library Dragon together (this activity works particularly well before a class trip to the library).

  •  Discuss with students why they think the Library Dragon was overly protective of the books. What may have caused her to become this way? What could she have done to make sure the books stayed safe?
  • Talk with students about book care and why it is necessary to follow rules created for the school library.
  •  Bring copies of books that have been mistreated to use as examples for what happens when one or a few people choose to not treat a school book with care.
  • Discuss the Library Dragon’s rules. Which rules were useful? Which were not?
  • Finish off by discussing all of the wonderful things the school librarian does to make the library great.
  • Take your class to the library and enjoy!


You can find a complete summary of The Library Dragon here, and for the full teacher’s guide, click here.