It’s blog tour time!
We have a fantastic blog tour lined up for the week! Check out these posts, reviews, interviews and more! *Hint: There will be giveaways!!
I’ll have a round up of sorts right here on the Peachtree blog on Friday with a giveaway of our own, as well!
Let the Summer on the Moon begin!
Monday, April 2:
Boys to Bookswill be featuring a review of the book!
Barbara Watson will have her Q&A with author Adrian Fogelin, along with a review and giveaway!
Tuesday, April 3:
Boys to Books – Check back for the giveaway today!
There’s a Bookwill be featuring a review of the book and a famous Turkeybird interview with author Adrian Fogelin!
Ms. Yingling Reads will feature a review!
Maestra Amanda’s Bookshelf will also feature a review!
Wednesday, April 4:
Boys to Bookswill be featuring a Q&A with the editor of Summer on the Moon! Check it out to read up on how this book was developed!
Thursday, April 5:
Satisfaction forInsatiable Readers will feature a guest post by author Adrian Fogelin!
Friday, April 6:
Maestra Amanda’s Bookshelf will feature our second guest post by author Adrian Fogelin!
Adrian surprised me with a blog post of her own for the tour! Check it out to see why she’s just so darn amazing. There’s no stopping her!
I’ll be updating this page with permalinks as the posts go live, so make sure to check back for updates!
If you’d like to order Summer on the Moon, you can do so online here or by calling us at 800-241-0113!
Enjoy the tour!