Extra Innings
by Fred Bowen
“Strike one is the best pitch in baseball.” Mike loves pitching, and he loves knowing his team counts on him to deliver wins. But Mike’s father starts to worry that Mike is getting too carried away with baseball and not spending time working at after school jobs and developing a sense of responsibility. Can Mike and his father reach a compromise in order to let Mike play the game he loves and help his team win the league championship?
Can you imagine pitching a perfect game, but still walking off the mound as the losing team? That very thing happened to Harvey Haddix, who pitched a perfect game against the Atlanta Braves in 1959 and LOST. Find out more about that fateful game in the “Real Story” at the end of Extra Innings. Sports history is included in every one of Fred Bowen’s middle grade novels, and this is an especially interesting story for sports fans.
Find Extra Innings this February at your local library, indie bookstore, or Barnes & Noble.