Brian Patten’s Can I Come Too? is full of creatures that you may never see in the wild (I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t come across whales and tigers in my daily outings). But who says you can’t make them at home or in the classroom?
Photo via Molas & Co |
- A pack of clothespins
- White card stock
- Markers, colored pencils, or crayons
- Glue
- Scissors
Photo via Molas & Co |
- Start by tracing or drawing animal pictures onto your card stock. Make sure the mouth is horizontal and will line up with the clothespin openings.
- Color or decorate the animals in whatever way you choose. Be creative!
- Cut out the animals and glue them to the sides of the clothespins. Make sure you have two different pieces to cut out, like in the pictures.
- Put on a show with your animals or hang them up around your room!
Have fun! And if you do the craft, share it on social and tag us!