Welcome to the Blog Tour for our Fall Titles! We have an exciting list of titles for this season that we’re happy to share with you, thanks to the help of our dedicated volunteers of librarians, children’s literature specialists, and educators. They have received advanced reading copies of this season’s titles and will be the guides on this literary tour. They will provide honest reviews, sneak peaks, author interviews, and giveaways!
Blog Tour Schedule
About Parrots August 4- August 8
Double Reverse August 11 – August 13
Stanley the Builder September 1- September 5
Stanley’s Garage September 8- September 12
Pig and Small September 15- September 19
Charlie Bumpers vs. the Squeaking Skull September 22- September 26
Can I Come Too? October 6- October 10
Claude on the Slopes October 13- October 17
Murphy, Gold Rush Dog October 20-October 24
Stay tuned!