To celebrate June as audiobook month, and to celebrate the third installment of our Charlie Bumpers series, we’re hosting a giveaway!  Enter to win a hardcover AND audiobook of Charlie Bumper vs. the Teacher of the Year AND Charlie Bumpers vs. the Really Nice Gnome.

It’s easy to enter. Just take a pic of yourself reenacting your favorite CB cover, and post it with the hashtags #JuneisforBumpers #BookGiveaway on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. The top three silliest, wildest and most original submissions will win.  You may enter as many times as you like before the July 1st deadline…just in time for the release of the third installment of this series, Charlie Bumpers vs. the Squeaking Skull. Remember to comment/share/like/follow us.  We have so many more giveaways lined up!
Happy Reading


– C