A Unicorn on a Unicycle
by Lynda Graham-Barber
illustrated by Jordan Wray

Follow along with a cool cast of critters as they parade down a road, led by unicorn a unicycle. Let’s count all the wheels on their scooters, bikes, and cars as they go by! 1, 2, 3… How many wheels can you see at the Zoom-Zoom-Whee Jamboree?

Math lovers will enjoy searching each spread for wheels to count as they’re introduced to a variety of vehicles alongside their 1 through 10 numbers. Each time a new animal joins the unicorn’s parade, critical thinkers can be encouraged to keep cumulative track of the total number of wheels. BONUS CONTENT: Grow with numbers 1 through 100 on the endpapers!

Check out the razzle-dazzle illustrations from illustrator Jordan Wray below!

Find A Unicorn on a Unicycle this June at your local libraryindie bookstore, or Barnes & Noble, and be sure to check out the rest of our brand-new books just out with Peachtree this Summer!